Time To Replace the Furnace? 5 Things Homeowners Can Do To Decide

September 7, 2023

Like every appliance in your home, the furnace has a natural expiration date. Is yours reaching the end of its lifespan? If it irreversibly breaks down, the answer may be obvious. But what if it's still running? Are there indicators that you may need to start thinking about a replacement? Yes. Learn a few things any homeowner can do to look for signs. 

1. Inspect the Unit

Grab a flashlight and take a good look at your furnace on a regular schedule. You don't need to be an HVAC technician to look for cracks, corrosion, burning smells, warping, and broken parts. If you take a good look at it periodically, you'll also get a feel for what has changed since the last time. Some issues may simply be repair calls, but multiple problems could make a replacement the best option. 

2. Check Your Energy Bills

Look back at your energy bills over the last year or more. Are you paying more in the winter when the furnace is working at its hardest? Rising energy costs can sneak up on a homeowner who is already dealing with other cost of living changes like higher food and fuel bills. So check the numbers.

New furnaces run at peak efficiency, but this naturally deteriorates as they age. And when yours has to work harder, it costs more to run. Eventually, the energy savings in a new unit may outweigh the cost. 

3. Look for Dust Around the Home

As you clean the house, pay attention to the buildup of dust and debris. The furnace doesn't just blow warm air into your home. One that operates correctly should also filter dust and soot particles from that air before pushing it into the HVAC system.

Have you noticed that the interior seems dirtier, moister, or dustier than it used to? See if the problem persists despite a regular changing of the filter. If so, the machine may not work properly anymore.

4. Keep an Ear Open

When the furnace is working, listen to the noises it makes—both at its source and in the duct system. Again, you don't need to be a professional to tell when things sound wrong. Homeowners get used to the way their HVAC system sounds over the years. Has that changed?

Is the furnace or ductwork rattling, grinding, banging, screeching, squealing, or groaning? Does the furnace cycle on and off on the same schedule it used to? Does it run constantly in the winter now? Any of these signs could precede a breakdown, giving you time to plan ahead.

5. Find Your Receipts

Finally, how old is your furnace? Dig out your purchase receipt if possible. If you don't have that, check with the company you or the prior owners bought it from. Don't have access to any of that information? A trained HVAC technician may be able to estimate its age for you. 

In general, furnaces have a normal lifespan of anywhere between 15 and 30 years. So if it has hit the minimum age, it may be time to start putting aside money for a new one. And if it's reaching the maximum, you may want to preempt it from breaking down in the middle of a Minnesota winter. 

Do you suspect that your furnace may be staring down its normal expiration date? Want to know more about its age, condition, or energy efficiency? Learn more by meeting with Air Force Mechanical. We'll work with you to get the most out of your current furnace and find the right replacement when the time is right. Call today to make an appointment. 

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